Nacistička Nemačka postala je trend na Tviteru u ponedeljak nakon što je Hilova tvitovala da je Amerika loša koliko i Treći rajh.
Tvitovala je da je čitala novu knjigu Izabel Vilkerson „Kasta“ i napisala: „Koliko grešite ako ste mislili da Sjedinjene Države nisu toliko loše kao nacistička Nemačka“ i ohrabrila svoju publiku da pročita knjigu koju je nazvala „remek-delom“.
Been reading Isabel Wilkerson’s new book, “Caste,” and if you were of the opinion that the United States wasn’t nearly as bad as Nazi Germany, how wrong you are. Can’t encourage you enough to read this masterpiece.
— Jemele Hill (@jemelehill) August 23, 2020
Taj komentar izazvao je buru na Tviteru. Neki su njen komentar ocenili kao zabludu dok su dugi bili ogorčeni zbog navodnog nedostatka osetljivosti prema žrtvama nacizma.
— Rita Panahi (@RitaPanahi) August 23, 2020
Jemele Hill thinks Nazi Germany and the United States of America are comparable.
— David Hookstead (@dhookstead) August 23, 2020
Imagine living in this kind of delusional fantasyland.
As someone whose family lived (and some not) through both Nazi and Communist regimes this is absolutely disgusting and @jemelehill, if you spent one month in a real authoritarian state you would come crying back here to kiss the ground you walked on in the USA.
— Inez Stepman (@InezFeltscher) August 23, 2020
Comparing things to Nazi Germany shows a genuine inability to grasp the magnitude of the Nazi’s cruelties and murders. The Shoah was not a riot, discrimination, segregation or wanton cruelty. It was the planned brutalization and execution of millions.
— David Wolpe (@RabbiWolpe) August 24, 2020
I neki zaljubljenici u istoriju ubrzo su izneli svoje mišljenje.
The left: This is JUST like Nazi Germany.
— Amy Lutz (@amylutz4) August 23, 2020
The right: This is JUST like the Civil War.
Me, a historian:
REMINDER for @jemelehill about just a FEW of the differences between AMERICA and NAZI GERMANY!
— Dov Hikind (@HikindDov) August 24, 2020
Neki su, međutim, ozbiljno shvatili komentar Hilove i istakli kako su nacistički koncentracioni logori i nemačka rasna politika bili inspirisani Sjedinjenim Državama.
There is no end to the unspeakably heinous crimes of the US empire. Just when you think it can't be any more evil, it is.
— Ben Norton (@BenjaminNorton) August 24, 2020
Never forget that the US empire also influenced Nazi Germany. Hitler modeled his policies after Jim Crow laws and US concentration camps for Native Americans
Jemele Hill actually has a point. Nazi Germany did take inspiration from the darkest aspects of U.S. history along with that of many other nations.
— Mathew Foresta (@ForestaWriter) August 24, 2020
Neki su uporedili američkog predsednika Donalda Trampa sa nacističkim diktatorom Adolfom Hitlerom.
What does Trumps America have in common with Nazi Germany?
— austin loucks (@austinloucks7) August 24, 2020
-Kids in concentration camps
-Secret police
-Nazis out in the open
-Police can murder without consequences
-All of this supported by evangelicals then and now
Trump & his regime have obliterated every single warning sign by both scholars & survivors of Nazi Germany & the Holocaust.
— Trinity (@TrinityResists) August 24, 2020
Trump is not a republican. He’s a fascist threatening a dictatorship.
Fascism doesn’t happen overnight. It happens just like this & we are many steps in.
Pre tri godine je Hilova, koja sad piše za „Atlantik“ opisala Trampa na Tviteru kao „belog supremacistu“.
Izabel Vilkerson, pedesetdevetogodišnja autorka „Kaste“, dobila je 2011. nagradu Nacionalnog kruga književnih kritičara za knjigu „Toplota tuđeg Sunca“ koja se bavi migracijama Crnaca sa američkoj juga u prvim godinama 20. veka.
Knjiga „Kasta“ bavi se američkom istorijom i iskustvom Crnaca. U njoj se opisuje američko društvo kao trajni, neviđeni i nespominjani sistem kasta – sličan onom u Indiji ili nacističkoj Nemačkoj – s kojim se još nije dovoljno bavio.
Pitanje rasnih odnosa u Sjedinjenim Državama ponovo je u žiži američke javnosti poslednjih meseci posle ubistva Džordža Flojda, Afroamerikanca koga su ubili policajci, što je dovelo do široko rasprostranjenih protesta.