Maroko je ovaj dan čekao 24 godine
20:25 27.11.2022 (Osveženo: 20:59 27.11.2022)
© AP Photo / Alessandra TarantinoMaroko - Belgija
© AP Photo / Alessandra Tarantino
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Možda ljubitelji fudbala to ne znaju, ali ovaj sport u Maroku ima više nego veliku popularnost. Prate ga svi, na ulicama svuda vidite dečicu koja trči za loptom, strast je ogromna i danas se to Marokancima vratilo. Savladali su Belgiju sa 2:0 i doneli naciji ogromnu radost.
Poslednja pobeda Marokanaca na Mundijalu pre ove bila je protiv Škotske davne 1998. godine.
Možda su mogli Marokanci da iznenade i Hrvatsku, ali je taj meč završen rezultatom 0:0. Kada Hrvati nisu platili, bilo je jasno da bi to moglo da se dogodi Belgijancima. Dali su Marokanci gol krajem prvog poluvremena, ali je on poništen.
Ipak, sve su nadoknadili u drugih 45 minuta, strelci su bili Sabiri u 73. i Abujlal u 92 minutu utakmice.
Navijači su posle utakmice bili u ekstazi, u suzama.
„Niko nam nije davao šanse. Svi su rekli da će Belgija da nas ponizi. Ali, pobedili smo ih. Ovo je dan iz snova za nas. Bili smo hrabri i nismo se povukli i čekali. Verovali smo u naš tim i naši igrači su osetili veliku podršku. Ovo što sada gledate je istorija“, rekao je jedan od navijača Maroka.
Neki su toliko oduševljeni igrom Hakimija i Ziješa, da ističu da ne bi čak bili iznenađeni ni da Maroko osvoji Svetsko prvenstvo.
© AP Photo / Alessandra TarantinoPlayers of Morococo celebrate after Abdelhamid Sabiri scored the opening goal against Belgium during a World Cup group F soccer match at the Al Thumama Stadium in Doha, Qatar, Sunday, Nov. 27, 2022. (AP Photo/Alessandra Tarantino)
© AP Photo / Alessandra Tarantino
Players of Morococo celebrate after Abdelhamid Sabiri scored the opening goal against Belgium during a World Cup group F soccer match at the Al Thumama Stadium in Doha, Qatar, Sunday, Nov. 27, 2022. (AP Photo/Alessandra Tarantino)
© AP Photo / Manu FernandezPlayers of Morococo celebrate after Abdelhamid Sabiri scored the opening goal against Belgium during a World Cup group F soccer match at the Al Thumama Stadium in Doha, Qatar, Sunday, Nov. 27, 2022. (AP Photo/Manu Fernandez)
© AP Photo / Manu Fernandez
Players of Morococo celebrate after Abdelhamid Sabiri scored the opening goal against Belgium during a World Cup group F soccer match at the Al Thumama Stadium in Doha, Qatar, Sunday, Nov. 27, 2022. (AP Photo/Manu Fernandez)
© AP Photo / Manu FernandezBelgium's Jan Vertonghen, right, stands after a 0-2 lost against Morococo in a World Cup group F soccer match at the Al Thumama Stadium in Doha, Qatar, Sunday, Nov. 27, 2022. (AP Photo/Manu Fernandez)
© AP Photo / Manu Fernandez
Belgium's Jan Vertonghen, right, stands after a 0-2 lost against Morococo in a World Cup group F soccer match at the Al Thumama Stadium in Doha, Qatar, Sunday, Nov. 27, 2022. (AP Photo/Manu Fernandez)
© AP Photo / Manu FernandezBelgium's Leandro Trossard leaves the field after losing 0-2 against Morococo in a World Cup group F soccer match at the Al Thumama Stadium in Doha, Qatar, Sunday, Nov. 27, 2022. (AP Photo/Manu Fernandez)
© AP Photo / Manu Fernandez
Belgium's Leandro Trossard leaves the field after losing 0-2 against Morococo in a World Cup group F soccer match at the Al Thumama Stadium in Doha, Qatar, Sunday, Nov. 27, 2022. (AP Photo/Manu Fernandez)
© AP Photo / Alessandra TarantinoPlayers of Morococo celebrate after Abdelhamid Sabiri scored the opening goal against Belgium during a World Cup group F soccer match at the Al Thumama Stadium in Doha, Qatar, Sunday, Nov. 27, 2022. (AP Photo/Alessandra Tarantino)
© AP Photo / Alessandra Tarantino
Players of Morococo celebrate after Abdelhamid Sabiri scored the opening goal against Belgium during a World Cup group F soccer match at the Al Thumama Stadium in Doha, Qatar, Sunday, Nov. 27, 2022. (AP Photo/Alessandra Tarantino)
© AP Photo / Alessandra Tarantino
Players of Morococo celebrate after Abdelhamid Sabiri scored the opening goal against Belgium during a World Cup group F soccer match at the Al Thumama Stadium in Doha, Qatar, Sunday, Nov. 27, 2022. (AP Photo/Alessandra Tarantino)
© AP Photo / Manu Fernandez
Players of Morococo celebrate after Abdelhamid Sabiri scored the opening goal against Belgium during a World Cup group F soccer match at the Al Thumama Stadium in Doha, Qatar, Sunday, Nov. 27, 2022. (AP Photo/Manu Fernandez)
© AP Photo / Manu Fernandez
Belgium's Jan Vertonghen, right, stands after a 0-2 lost against Morococo in a World Cup group F soccer match at the Al Thumama Stadium in Doha, Qatar, Sunday, Nov. 27, 2022. (AP Photo/Manu Fernandez)
© AP Photo / Manu Fernandez
Belgium's Leandro Trossard leaves the field after losing 0-2 against Morococo in a World Cup group F soccer match at the Al Thumama Stadium in Doha, Qatar, Sunday, Nov. 27, 2022. (AP Photo/Manu Fernandez)
© AP Photo / Alessandra Tarantino
Players of Morococo celebrate after Abdelhamid Sabiri scored the opening goal against Belgium during a World Cup group F soccer match at the Al Thumama Stadium in Doha, Qatar, Sunday, Nov. 27, 2022. (AP Photo/Alessandra Tarantino)