Cunami talasi se mogu formirati na 270 kilometara od epicentra zemljotresa, saopštio je Pacifički centar za upozorenje od cunamija.
NBC njuz prenosi da je epicentar zemljotresa severoistočno od Novog Zelanda (istočno od Oklenda), a vlasti ostrvske zemlje su upozorile građane koje žive blizu obale da se popnu na obližnja brda.
By far the largest earthquake I've felt in Auckland, in the 22 years I've lived her 😬
— AndiBrotherston (@AndiBeeeee) March 4, 2021
Everyone OK? #eqnz
I think that earthquake woke the entire country #eqnz
— AlchemyNZ (@TheAlchemyNZ) March 4, 2021
People near the coast from CAPE RUNAWAY to TOLAGA BAY should MOVE IMMEDIATELY to the nearest high ground, out of tsunami evacuation zones, or as far inland as possible. Do not return until an official all-clear message is given by Civil Defence.
— National Emergency Management Agency (@NZcivildefence) March 4, 2021
Još nema informacija o mogućoj šteti i žrtvama. Zemljotres se dogodio samo dan posle potresa sa epicentrom 414 kilometara od Oklenda.