Oko 150 ljudi protestovalo je danas u Melburnu ispred zgrade parlamenta države Viktorija, preneo je Tanjug.
A police officer is in hospital, and ten people have been arrested after hundreds disobeyed stay-at-home restrictions to rally on the steps of state parliament. @LanaMurphy #9News pic.twitter.com/9YPD8b1zSm
— Nine News Australia (@9NewsAUS) May 10, 2020
Demonstranti se suočavaju sa kaznama do 1.600 australijskih dolara (1.045 američkih dolara) zbog kršenja mera.
Australija postepeno ublažava restriktivne mere u okviru plana za „bezbednu ekonomiju“, koji treba da bude pokrenut u julu.
The crowd has broken into chants of "arrest Bill Gates" at the anti-lockdown protest at Parliament House in Melbourne @theage. The crowd has grown considerably since midday. pic.twitter.com/T13u3s7Ld7
— Rachael Dexter (@rachael_dexter) May 10, 2020
Police in #Melbourne arresting #lockdown protestors.
— Katie Hopkins (@KTHopkins) May 10, 2020
Peaceful citizens demanding their rights to be free. We live in a dystopian age.
pic.twitter.com/nYG7NARDlvViktorija je, međutim, odložila ublažavanje restrikcija, nakon što je rezervoar zaraze u jednoj klanici u Melburnu doveo do porasta broja novih slučajeva.