Šef lokalne policije Ed Barberini je izjavio da istražitelji misle da pucnjava nije bila nasumična, prenosi „Si-En-En“.
Barberini je dodao da se veruje da su dve osobe pucale i da je moguće da su pucale jedna u drugu.
Please stay out of the Tanforan area - San Bruno Police Department is on scene investigating a shooting. We will update when we have more information. Thank you
— San Bruno Police (@SanBrunoPolice) 02. jul 2019.
San Bruno had a shooting At Tanforan Mall in San Bruno. Police onscene. Please avoid the area.
— SouthSanFranciscoPD (@SSFPolice) 02. jul 2019.
U tržnom centru su jake policijske snage koje su zatvorile i obližnju železničku stanicu.
Na desetine ljudi evakuisano je iz tržnog centra.
Reports of possible active shooter at Tanforan Mall @KPIXtv #breaking pic.twitter.com/raOoSGFTc9
— Betty Yu (@BettyKPIX) 02. jul 2019.
Apparently there’s an active shooter in @ShopsAtTanforan and no Bay Area TV is covering the situation in #SanBruno #tanforan @abc7newsbayarea @KTVU @nbcbayarea @KPIXtv pic.twitter.com/cvHYsGmJi6
— Edwin Spencer (@edwinspencer) 02. jul 2019.
Agencija Rojters prenosi da su dve osobe ranjene u pucnjavi i da su još dve povređene dok su pokušavale da pobegnu.
Detalji pucnjave, koja se odigrala u utorak u popodnevnim satima po lokalnom vremenu, za sada nisu poznati.
(San Bruno, CA) Shooting in San Bruno Mall —Police are searching the area near the mall. It is unconfirmed which direction the suspect fled. watch footage and look for updates here. https://t.co/cxrbC1DpGN #CitizenApp #ProtectTheWorld pic.twitter.com/FknlqfkQfe
— Citizen SF Bay Area (@CitizenApp_SF) 02. jul 2019.
#BREAKING: 12th Street Station in #Oakland is closed after reports that the #SanBruno mall shooting suspect was at the station
— KRON4 News (@kron4news) 03. jul 2019.
The station has been evacuated and police are at the scene https://t.co/BaeN5YXvYH pic.twitter.com/KEZeRtaVVk
San Bruno je mesto koje se nalazi južno od San Franciska.
Prošle godine je napadač otvorio vatru na sedište Jutjuba u San Brunu. Kancelarija „Jutjuba“ nalazi se u blizini tržnog centra Tanforan.