„Poštovanje i čestitke Aleksisu Ciprasu i Zoranu Zaevu za njihovo istorijsko dostignuće i okončanje dugog konflikta između Grčke i Severne Makedonije“, poručio je Rama na Tviteru.
Again my respect and congratulations to @atsipras and @Zoran_Zaev for their historical achievement and the end of the long conflict between Greece and Northern Macedonia👍It was tough and it will still produce some local old politics, but it's really very well done dear friends🙏
— Edi Rama (@ediramaal) 25. januar 2019.
Tači je dvojicu premijera pohvalio zbog pokazane „vizije i hrabrosti“.
Congratulations to Greece MPs, to PM Tsipras, for showing vision and courage and voting the Prespa Agreement. It is a welcoming news for the whole region and a strong push for efforts to close all open issues between the countries of the Balkans.
— Hashim Thaçi (@HashimThaciRKS) 25. januar 2019.
„Ovo su sjajne vesti za ceo region i snažan napor ka zatvaranju svih otvorenih pitanja između država Balkana“, kaže on.
Pacoli je pohvalio premijera Grčke Aleksisa Ciprasa za njegovo vođstvo, kao i obe države na preduziamnju „hrabrih“ odluka za bolju budućnost dveju zemalja.
Strongly welcome the ratification by the Parliament of Greece of the #PrespaAgreement. I applaud PM @tsipras_eu for his leadership and both countries for taking courageous decision for the better future of #Greece & #Macedonia. This is an important step for the whole region.
— Behgjet Pacolli 🇽🇰 (@pacollibehgjet) January 25, 2019
„Ovo je bitan korak za čitav region“, napisao je Pacoli na Tviteru.