This evening, the IDF destroyed yet another terror tunnel, making this the 9th terror tunnel that the IDF has destroyed in recent months. Using advanced technology, the IDF was able to locate, track, and destroy the.5mi-long terror tunnel
— IDF (@IDFSpokesperson) May 12, 2018
„Otkrivanje i uništenje još jednog tunela Hamasa u Pojasu Gaze pokazuje da su razgovori o dužem miru sa Izraelom blef tog radikalnog palestinskog pokreta“, rekao je ministar odbrane jevrejske države Avigdor Liberman, saopštila je pres-služba vojske. Ona je posebno primetila da „Hamas govori o spremnosti da zaključi dugoročno primirje sa Izraelom, ali nastavlja da kopa tunele u terorističke svrhe“.
The terror tunnel constituted a serious threat to Israelis & approached Kibbutz Erez & Erez Crossing. The tunnel did not enter Israel & was destroyed within the Gaza Strip
— IDF (@IDFSpokesperson) May 12, 2018