Rusija je rekla da neće odgovarati na zahteve dok ne dobije uzorke otrova i dok ne usledi međunarodna procedura tokom istrage.
Rusija je negirala bilo kakvu umešanost u pokušaj ubistva Skripalja i njegove ćerke Julije u Solsberiju.
Među merama koje dolaze u obzir kao odgovor Britanije su povlačenje reprezentacije Engleske sa predstojećeg Svetskog prvenstva, izbacivanje ruskih diplomata, zabrana izdavanja viza ruskim državljanima, zamrzavanje ruske imovine i oduzimanje licence televiziji RT.
Tereza Mej je rekla da je dobila i podršku Donalda Trampa, koji je ranije oklevao da stane iza tvrdnji Velike Britanije.
Ambasada Rusije u Londonu objavila je seriju tvitova kojima navodi da neće reagovati na ultimatum Londona dok se ne obezbedi pristup uzorcima nervnog agensa.
1/7 UK Ambassador Laurence Bristow was summoned to @MFA_Russia, where First Deputy FM Vladimir Titov strongly protested the evidence-free accusations by the UK authorities of Russia’s alleged involvement in the poisoning of Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia.
— Russian Embassy, UK (@RussianEmbassy) 13. mart 2018.
2/7 It was stated that the actions of the UK authorities are a clear provocation and that the Russian Federation was not involved in the incident that took place in Salisbury on 4 March, 2018.
— Russian Embassy, UK (@RussianEmbassy) 13. mart 2018.
4/7 Britain must comply with the Chemical Weapons Convention which stipulates joint investigation into the incident, for which Moscow is ready.
— Russian Embassy, UK (@RussianEmbassy) 13. mart 2018.
6/7 Any threat to take “punitive” measures against Russia will meet with a response. The British side should be aware of that.
— Russian Embassy, UK (@RussianEmbassy) 13. mart 2018.