The moment a car ploughed into pedestrians after Eid prayers in Newcastle (West road)
— Harris (@MrHarrisAhmed) June 25, 2017
Incident se desio ispred sportskog centra Vestgejt, prenose lokalni mediji.
Prema prvim informacijama, povređeno je petoro ljudi, a strahuje se da među njima ima i dece.
The scene inside the car park of the sports centre on Westgate Road, where a child as reportedly been hit by a car
— Sara Nichol (@SaraNichol10) June 25, 2017
Policija je saopštila da incident ne tretira kao teroristički napad.
I'm just arriving at the scene on Westgate Road
— Sara Nichol (@SaraNichol10) June 25, 2017
Odmah nakon napada, privedena je jedna 42-godišnja žena.
U toku je istraga.