Ruska lepotica osvojila Island i sada kreće u pohod na ceo svet (foto)

Na takmičenju „Mis Univerzum“ Island će predstavljati 19-godišnja „Mis Islanda“ Ketrin Lea Elenudotir (Ekaterina Skorobogatova), koja je rođena u ruskom gradu Omsku.

Ketrinina biografija je istorija uspeha sibirske Pepeljuge. Ona se sa 9 godina preselila u daleki Island iz Omska, gde joj je ubijen otac, koji je bio poznati biznismen. Međutim, mračne stranice biografije su iza Ketrin — ona sada studira na prestižnom koledžu i probija se u društvu.

Titulu „Mis Islanda“ je osvojila u avgustu.

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Only 16 days left until I will be leave for Thailand 🇹🇭 to represent my gorgeous country Iceland at an international level in Miss Universe 2018! Miss Universe is something I have always been very passionate about and now when my dream trip is just around the corner I am doing my very best in preparation for it. There are many different subjects I should have on point but what is most important for me is my mental state. A few days ago, a book was recommended to me (@realniasanchez 💕) which really inspired me to work even harder than I already am, its name is “Your best life now” by Joel Osteen. I truly recommend this amazing book to everyone because it will convince you to work more and harder to achieve your dreams! . . Carlos Velez @carlosvelezstudios ! HMUA: @alileemua ; with Swimwear from our sponsor : @vizcayaswimwear; jewelry by Charlie Lapson @charlielapson . #missuniverseiceland #missiceland #roadtomissuniverse #BeBrave #missuniverse2018 #reykjavik #iceland #carlosvelezphoto #alileemua #charlielapson #charlielapsonjewelry

Objava koju deli Katrín Lea Elenudóttir (@katrin.lea) dana 11. Nov 2018. u 9:56 PST
